Friday, January 16, 2009

Twilight Perfume Lawsuit

Well, the Twilight Purfume makers have certainly gotton themselves into a mess, haven't they? Apparently the bottle ripped off Nina Ricci's bottle design. Did they think no one would notice or something?

"Making the rounds today on the Internet is a story about a pending lawsuit by Nina Ricci over the Twilight perfume that is currently being by sold by several vendors. The story is hitting wider today because it just made a celebrity blogger’s radar.

We’d like to preface this by saying that we have no knowledge of who signed what contract, and what exactly the contract stated. We also have no knowledge as to the exact status of the lawsuit: Are papers actually filed with the courts? Are the affected parties trying to reach an out-of-court settlement? We just don’t know. Here’s our sidelines, non-lawyer analysis.

1. As far as we understand it, the two scents are entirely different, so this isn’t a suit over the scents.
2. The bottle itself is highly similar to the Nina Ricci bottle. It varies slightly in color and in the engraving on the leaves.
3. The outer packaging container is entirely different, so this isn’t about the outer packaging."


  1. that bottle is practically the same, eh!!
    Oh, by the way, you're a twifo person too!!! Did I start following you before i put that ad up or are you a new follower, i can't remember! Oh well, your blog rocks!!
